Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Hey Everyone!
I am leaving soon for my adventure to Vellore, India to the Christian Medical College (http://www.cmcvellore.ac.in/ and http://cmch-vellore.edu/main.asp). I received the Paul Brand Scholarship ( http://www.tlm-ni.org/Brand.htm) to learn more about medicine in India. I am interested in doing full time Christian Medical Mission work after OB/GYN residency, and so I am very excited about this opportunity. Please pray for God to open opportunities for me to share my faith in Christ and learn more about the Indian culture.

1 comment:

Mignon said...

Hi Kristen,

I'll be thinking of you on the long flight to India. Quite a change from Texas. Congrats on the fellowship--that should be a great chance to preview the kind of work you hope to do in the future. Enjoy your stay! Love, Nan