Monday, January 7, 2008

I've arrived.

Hey Everyone,

I made it here safely. It was an good trip here (a bit interesting in Delhi). We are getting oriented today and will start on Tuesday. The place we are staying is hard to describe but I think it is nice (others might disagree). It is open air with buckets for a shower, but I like it that we feel as though we are in the forest.(Yes, there are monkey's in the tree's.) The college campus is very pretty with trees, trails, and pretty flowers, and the buildings are very old. But, it is a nice oasis from the craziness of the city and the hospital. It is definitely a culture shock and eye opening.
India is probably similar to Mexico and Africa in that it is very dirty, poor, over populated and run down. You don't see any, what we would call "nice" buildings and the streets are all dirt which if different from American standards. Traveling wasn't so bad (24 hrs. of plane, a hostal, another 3 hour plane ride from Delhi to Chennai and a 2 hour drive to Vellore). We arrived in Vellore at about 4pm on Sunday. Our hostal we stayed at was a bit sketchy in New Delhi & we were moved to another hostal b/c they were run by the same guy(interesting). I'm learning just to go with the flow and to have light expectations. We slept fine and had a nice breakfast. Life here is very simple and our accommodations would be comparable to what people in Mexico live in, but I like the open air and not having to worry about cleaning everything. The people here are very nice and seem like very gentle people. We have also learned minor things that will help the next group.
I really like the women's "sari's" and other attire. They are beautiful colors and super comfy so we bought a few "sari" like dresses so to wear to work so we look appropriate.
I will be rotating at in surgery this week, OB my second week, and medicine/ CHAD(village medicine) my last week. The hospital is huge and flooded with patients and so I am eager to start tomorrow.
I have also had time to spend with the Lord in the morning (due to loud Indian/ Hindi music playing at 4am) which is refreshing. I'm just praying God will allow me to accept the culture and people with out judging eyes. Their way of life is different and you realize how ridiculously spoiled we are in the states, and our obsession with cleanliness and new things.
I really like the food. Lunch was yummy rice and vegetables, and dinner was a crepe and egg layered together. There is also a store where we can get normal snacks and cereal. I am looking forward to starting tomorrow.
Please pray for acceptance, to go with the flow, and to not be frustrated by the language barrier.
Please pray for Rachel, Paul, and Rebecca b/c their luggage was "lost" and isn't here yet.
I am so blessed to be here and for this experience.
smiles in Christ =)


Unknown said...

Hey Kristen! I'm so glad you made it there safely. I will be praying for you and all of your friends. I know this will be a wonderful adventure and learning experience. Lots of hugs!

Mary Carol said...

Hey K! I'm so excited for you- I will definitely be checking in on your blog to hear about what you are up to - and I love the fact that we have the same blog background! ha!
Lots of prayers and hugs!

Bita said...

Hi honey! Glad you made it! Sorry we didn't get a chance to talk before you left, but you have definitely been in my thoughts! I will keep up with you by reading your blog! So far, the entries have been great!
Love ya!

Mom ! said...

Hi My lovely lady-
Wow-already your experience is beyond our imaginations! Yes, we are spoiled and yes, you will see the unbelievable and learn humility.
I am so glad you arrived ok- I was concerned about your hostel and New Delhi- as you know-
You are in my thoughts and prayers every step of the way!
I like the ideas of you wearing the sari's- the Indians will like that and its a great experience!
I love you and send big hugs. The blog is great!
Love Mom xoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Mom ! said...

Kristen- Read Hebrews 12:14
"Make every effort to live in peace with all men and be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord."
Love Mom xoxox

GC said...

Kristen, It is so good to hear from you. Your adventures are awesome already. Can you take pictures? I'm trying to imagine sleeping facilities with trees and monkeys! Glad the food is appealing. You and your friends there are in my prayers.
Gcookie (Temple)

Laura said...

Hi Kristen! I'm so happy to learn about your blog (thanks Kelly!) You are so blessed to have such a unique oppurtunity to gain a new perspective on so many levels. It is wonderful that you are trying to use your experience to see life through the eyes of others. I pray that your love for Christ will deepen to knew depths and that others will see His love through you! Love you! Laura

Janet and Jim said...

Hey Kristen, Daddy and I just figured out how to leave comment, but we are OLD and SLOW! Love your blog and I can see that you are getting to observe amazing events/ diseases and conditions! I have heard there is terrible vascular disease in India(ns), I wonder why? They seem to eat healthy altho spicey food. We are sending prayers, hugs and kisses your way!
Love you, Janet and Dad