Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Jan. 13-Jan. 16

Hello from Vellore,
Sunday was relaxful which was a blessing. I didn't sleep much the first week so it was nice to sleep in! We have a mini Mt. or a big hill next to the college so we all hiked to the top to get a great view of the city. We also ate lunch at some nice hotel's this weekend to enjoy some really good Indian food. They have a church on campus so we went to the 6pm service in English and it was a physician speaking which was awesome. He talked about Phil 2:5-11 and how our attitude should be like Christ and not the world. Christ made Himself humble unlike us who can become more prideful as we progress in our training. He asked: "How have we shown love to others or do we demand love? Christ overflowed with love, not expecting it back.... We can never love Him to the extent that He loves us... Do we have a getting or giving attitude? Also, we need to evaluate and expose our lives and attitudes to bring change so that "streams of living water" can flow through us..."
It was very insightful and a good reminder for me because it is more difficult to have a good attitude in new situations.

OB (OG here) has been very cool! I've gotten to deliver about 4 babies, assisted on c-sections and two uterine ruptures(one the baby lived and the other died), and got to do my side of a tubal ligation! It's been a bit slow at times, but great learning. The other med students, nurses, and attendings have been very nice which is a huge blessing. We have patients with ITP, lots of pre-eclampsia, and many other high risk problem. They do things a bit different here (for example no pain meds. and they only do vaginal checks every 4-6 hrs. depending on the stage of labor), but I actually think some of their methods are a bit better way of doing things.

It's a holiday week here (the Harvest festival) and so they closed all the computer labs since Sun. So I haven't been able to upload pics yet, but hopefully will be able to soon.
Please pray for patience, open opportunities to show and share Christ's love, and for a joyful spirit.
Matt 9:12-13
Mark 9:16-28
Jeremiah 32:17
Psalm 139

1 comment:

GC said...

Thank you for your verses and may you be blessed with acceptance, patience, and opportunities to learn and share.