Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Week 3 / 4

I had the most wonderful last week! I went with Doctors on Tues. and Nurses on Wed. to do rounds in the villages (home visits and setting up clinics in the villages)! I loved doing medicine outside, in the beauty of nature, in people's homes, and in the quiet and peace of the villages...it's hard to explain, but I could see myself doing that!
We did a lot of antenatal exams and I of course enjoyed to be able to feel the women's belly and listen to the baby's heart beat. There was also a lot of health maintenance (HTN, diabetes, COPD, asthma etc.), making sure people are taking their meds., referrals to the hospital, and follow ups from the hospital. We saw some cool things like chicguru dz.(I spelled that wrong), rheumatic heart dz., mumps, and well baby exams (getting to hold the babies was awesome).
CMC/CHAD has spent 26+ yrs. mapping out all the villages around this area and serving them and referring them to the community hospital (CHAD). They also tell all the women to go there to have their babies where they also perform the C-Sections, tubals, and other surgeries.

There was a undergrad who went with me on Tues. from Virginia and she was very cool. She was taking a yr. off to work on the Mercy ships, come here, and then go to Uganda! How awesome! I still would love to do the Mercy ships. Then today there was a med. student who's going into Family Med. from Denver with me and we had so much in common...Jesus, ministry, traveling, sports etc. It was a blessing to have fellowship. The Docs and nurses have been so friendly and during our lunch break the Indian Docs and nurses all sang Indian songs and worship songs! Too cool. =)

I went swimming in a nice pool that is just around the corner from the campus...an oasis for the foreigners & the missionary families.
I've been super tired. My days are long but so good. I just love doing medicine outside and in homes!

My last day was at the Leprosy hospital which I will have to blog about later because there is so much I learned.

We've been traveling and touring like crazy since Friday with early and late hours on trains, planes, and auto rickshaws! We've been to Chennai, Delhi, Jaipur, and now Agra! Crazy with very little sleep.

I have lots of stories that I look forward to sharing. Please keep praying for protection b/c we had a very scary experience in Delhi.
Scott wasn't traveling with us yet, and I am so glad he is now b/c touring with just girls is unsafe.
I am exhausted but am glad to be seeing the sights.
I saw the Taj Mahal today and it was incredible!!

I also road and elephant today..haha!
I want to come back and see the beautiful places in India (ie the Himalayas and Kerla)!

God is teaching me through Matt 8-10 recently. Will have to share more later.
So much overwhelming poverty here (sheep without a shepherd).
Please pray for continued safety as we travel. I will blog more later in the week and upload more pics!

More Verses:
Matt 6:25-7:12
Ps. 107:9b,14,16,18-22
rom 8:28, 1peter 1:3-5

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Kristen! All of your experiences sound so amazing! I miss you! I noticed that you have expressed worries about safety. Remember that God is always with you and you are never alone. I'll be praying for you. I can't wait to see you!